Saturday, April 26, 2008

Farewell, Mr. Kay

A great educator and a good man, Mr. Kay, who knows each and every one of the 320 students by name, leaves us after six years of taking excellent care of our children at school. Last night's send-off , a barrio fiesta themed party, elicited an outpouring of love and gratitude. Almost everyone was in tears: from the little children to the teachers, and the parents, including the maintenance and security staff, who are all losing a father figure--a most gentle, compassionate, and nurturing individual. He was a gift to our children and he shall be missed!

A few weeks ago, Pippi came up to me to say that a new headmaster had been chosen to replace Mr. Kay and she asked, "Mama, you think he'll love us as much as Mr. Kay loves us?" I posed the same question to her, "Why, you think Mr. Kay loves you?" She answered ever so confidently, "No, I don't think it; I know it." Imagine: to be completely assured of someone's affection and bask in it--this is his legacy to the children.

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