Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the Hallowed Halls of Academe

I met up with Maverick for lunch today at Annenberg and took in campus life. I can't help but feel sorry for my grad school Alma Mater after seeing the facilities of Annenberg. Hello! Philippine Government Officials, U.P. is our State University, could you just please stop making kurakot and divert all your travel junket pocket money into the school so that it may educate future leaders who will be the antithesis of all of you. Okay...enough ranting...

We had lunch at The Lot, one of their cafeterias, which to me looked like a cruise ship buffet restaurant. Of course I had Wolfgang Puck's barbecue chicken pizza and Maverick had chili cheese fries. Then, I met her school posse for the first time. They joined us for one of the most interesting and most animated of conversations I've been privy to in a long time. Or maybe I've just been around old people for too long?

There were seven of them, including Maverick and among the seven there were five different nationalities: Filipino, Egyptian, Indian, American, and Irish. Talk about melting pots! I am glad she is doing well in school at least if not yet in her personal life. She seems to be among good people and is definitely getting the best education. I am grateful for many, many things at this very moment.

Their very own media vans

My lunch at USC's The Lot: Wolfgang Puck's barbecue chicken pizza. Yum!

Happy duck, Maverick and her chili cheese fries

Maverick's classmate and good friend, Tara, whose mom is an honest to goodness rocket scientist for NASA. I can actually boast that I know a rocket scientist! Imagine that!

style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 400px; height: 300px;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgIKaQAOeq3ntJU0Zk8Z_DMvw2L28mLjOqNHIHoV2Nf3vNDvxyFSUdr01PRCmQ0cMQ0aH52x465eGK8ljioPps5HOX7OEmZhdF72UpDK_bwvR7w_9KY9FroiaLgNANk0u2ZgdI0knEMSIA/s400/IMG_3653.JPG" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5272771632994682034" /> Maverick's grad school posse: great minds!

Annenberg lobby

maverick in perfect stride with grad school life

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